Sewer systems and tree roots do not make a good mix. Tree roots are a cause for concern as they impede the sewer lines, thereby leading to blockages and sewer backups. If a sewer pipeline becomes buried, the soil around them is looser than the rest of the yard, creating an ideal climate for the roots of the tree to gravitate toward the soil, which tends to become damp over time, as cracks and leaks occur in the pipe. But the good news is, there are other sustainable resources that do not cause harm to underground infrastructures and even encourage wildlife, in addition to the environment.
In North Carolina, from Charlotte to Raleigh and beyond, there are many weather concerns and factors that can affect a sewer system’s productivity. While the prime condition of soil can differ from yard to yard, frost-seeding is considered a good idea for sustainability, as well as the physical properties of freezing and thawing soil to naturally plant seeds. Frost-seeding only requires a broadcast seeder, eliminating the tractor time needed to cultivate the soil. It also reduces chemical applications for weeds. Frost-seeding will promote and prepare the plots for the upcoming growing season, as well as revitalize existing ones. When soil freezes, the moisture in the soil expands, pushing soil to the surface, thereby forming cracks. Since the process requires that seeds to be worked into the soil surface by winter rains and snow, an opportune time to plant is now. Particularly for areas which normally receive good snow cover, and do not experience prolonged January thaws. A light scattering of snow will also help indicate where you have seeded. Frost-seeding will promote and prepare the plots for the upcoming growing season. For best results, seeds need to be spread from the last week of January through the first two weeks of February.
Note: Birds, insects, and mammals rely on native plants for food and habitat. Bringing native plants into your garden can help urban wildlife survive and thrive.